What a beautiful mind Audrey Hepburn had. I have to agree with her statement, this is exactly how I feel about life.
I see many people who talk about regrets and to be honest, I don’t have any, what a waste of time pondering on regrets. Let’s face it, there’s absolutely nothing we can do about what has happened in the past. It’s been, it’s gone and now all we can focus on is what is happening at this very moment.
I could very easily have regrets about not continuing my honours year at university, but I wouldn’t be where I am today if that were to happen. I could very easily regret not having children closer together, but I wouldn’t have experienced the wonderful three years with complete focus on Elliott. I could have very easily regretted moving from our big modern home to a tiny house that was 95 years older, but it’s brought us so many more opportunities. I could have regretted telling my old employer to politely ‘shove it up your arse’ but kicking them to the kerb when I was a new mum brought about so many opportunities that I had never dreamed of.
Quite frankly, there’s just no time to have regrets, it’s about looking at the positives attached to those things that did or didn’t happen. If you can’t find a positive then take comfort in the fact that you’re not magic nor do you have a genie in a bottle to grant you three wishes (none of us do) and there’s always another chance in life.
Audrey Hepburn also referred to her miscarriages. I have had three and I honestly don’t hold regret for any of them. Don’t get me wrong, they truly upset me and hold a particular place of mourning in my heart, but they happened and there’s nothing I can do about them but to move forward, become stronger, get myself checked (which I have) and be grateful for the wonderful little family I have.
Regrets to me are a waste of energy when all of this energy could be put into the things we are doing at this very moment. I know there are some things in life that are difficult to get over, but I reckon the sooner you can focus on the now and the future and find the positive outcomes of a less than ideal situation, the better off you’ll be.
Do you feel the same, or do the sad times stand out in your mind?
I think this is a wonderful attitude. I actually shared your posts with a friend who suffered a miscarriage- it helped her feel less alone. So positives can come from even the most negative.
Thanks Amy. I’m so grateful for you sharing my posts, that is one of the reasons I wrote them because I wanted other women to feel less alone. Thank you so much.
Couldn’t agree more Eva! I try to live for the now & not wallow in regrets too.
I’m so glad you agree!
She was an awesome lady, I often find myself reading her quotes and feeling so much better about everything. What a great outlook you have Eva.
Thanks Mandy. Oh how I love Audrey, such a beautiful and wise woman.
There are things you cannot change, so why regret. If it is something that didn’t go the way you wanted, learn from it and love on, well this is what I say to my kids anyway.
Yep, totally agree and definitely what I”ll be teaching my kids. 🙂
I am completely with you but I was not always like this. I held onto a heap of just emotional junk that was completely useless to me. Once I worked on realising that fact it has become second nature letting things go to the point I am sure I must have completely wiped some of the meaningless bad stuff that can just play on you.
It’s definitely not easy Karin, but when you can it’s so worth it.
Great attitude Eva. I feel sorry for you with the miscarriages and admire your strong attitude of no regrets because that would be negating what you do have. I lived with regret for a fairly long time over our infertility but that’s the past now and I even found it within me to write about finding gratitude for what we went through. Happy Easter to you and your little family.
Thanks so much. I”ve been trying my hardest to work on a positive attitude and just feel that I can’t afford not to have a positive one. I don’t blame you though with what you went through, but I’m sure now you look at your two little munchkins with such joy and gratefulness. You have a wonderful Easter with your family too! x
I love this attitude Eva.
Having said that, the husband of a friend passed away last week, so this whole ‘if my world were to cave in tomorrow’ thought has been going though my mind, and I’m glad I don’t have to answer it right now.
I love this attitude and try to live this way too. I think closed doors bring new opportunities (even though it can be difficult). I also have faith there is a bigger picture that we don’t have the details for.
Doubly loving this post because Audrey Hepburn is one of my all time heroes. Yes about regrets. I read or heard somewhere that there are no wrong decisions either, just the paths we chose to take. I like that too. #teamIBOT
This is so true! I have many regrets… And I still think of them. It’s hard to look past them. But you’re right, it is what it is. You can’t change the past. Thanks Eva!