I’m not sure if it’s the fact that I’m hovering around my mid-thirties or that I now have two kids, but life has certainly started to take on a different meaning.
Life is sure as hell is no longer about waking up, going to work, paying bills, coming home, going to bed and repeating it all over again the next day. But I do remember a time when that’s what it felt like.
I remember a time where I heard people’s claims that they had found their passion in life and that they were working in a job they loved. I remember resenting those people and pretending that I was doing something that I was passionate about. I also remember knowing people that had awesome hobbies and I had nothing. Zero. Nada.
But fast forward 5 years and that has completely changed. Without me going on about it here, I write about how I found my passion for writing and blogging here. Not only is it a passion for writing itself, but I absolutely love the connections I make and have made as a writer and blogger.

It hasn’t always been that way, not until we moved into our old cottage with its gardens full of flowers did I learn to open my eyes and appreciate the beauty and nature around me and how good it made me feel.
I developed a new appreciation for flowers and have, for a long time, wanted to learn how to arrange them professionally.
The lovely folks from Uncle Tobys sent me away on a passion project as part of their #DoWhatYouLove campaign. My passion project was attending a flower arranging class at The Flower School. I was in my element and cannot wait to continue on with the class when Miss M is a little older.

Me and the bouquet I put together
What I’ve learnt about doing what I love
Increased productivity
There’s no doubt about it when I’m doing what I love I put 100% focus into it and am completely dedicated. This means I’m more productive, I get more done and reach my goals faster.
Increased motivation
There’s nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment and when you do what you love, higher productivity quite often leads to this. Accomplishing your goals is definitely motivating.
A full cup
As I mentioned earlier in my post, I hated that I didn’t have a hobby or something that I enjoyed doing in my spare time. I felt like something was missing in my life, something that more pay or a ‘good’ job wasn’t going to fix. When you do what you love, you don’t have an empty spot, your cup is full to the brim.
Fewer excuses
When you do something you love, particularly if it is work, it’s no longer a chore that has you clock watching and hoping for it to be over. When you do what you love, you’ll look forward to it and have fewer excuses ‘not’ to do it.
Work is enjoyable
Let’s face it, there are times at work or in life where the tough times can be difficult. But what I’ve found is that when I’m doing work I really enjoy, it makes it much easier to get through those challenges.
If it’s a hobby I love, then it’s easier for me to get through my day because I look forward to the time when I can enjoy that hobby. It may not be possible for everyone to do what they love in terms of work, but it’s certainly possible to do what you love outside of work. It’s this that will make work and other parts of your life so much easier.
More ambition
There’s nothing like a bit of intrinsic motivation to really push you to succeed but it can often be hard to come by if you’re not doing something you enjoy. There are extrinsic motivators like money, but from experience, they aren’t very long lasting when other factors at work aren’t ideal.
When you do something you love, the extrinsic motivators don’t matter, ambition builds through internal motivators to succeed and they will keep filling your tank over and over.
I find that since I have found the things I love, I have not only become a happier person but I’m more generous in sharing my knowledge of the things I love.
Accept more challenges
When you do the things you love they have the ability to unlock a certain confidence that wasn’t there before. But sometimes the process of discovering what you love doesn’t necessarily come easily.
I know that my freelance writing career came with accepting challenges and taking risks because it was something I’d never done professionally before. But overcoming these hurdles has built my confidence, I know that I can do what I set my mind to and now find that new challenges are no longer obstacles but something new to be excited about.
If you’re trying to find something you love, be willing to accept more challenges.
Always learning and improving
This relates to the previous point, taking on challenges means I’m always learning and improving.
I find that when you do what you love learning more about it becomes a bit addictive because you want to do your best at it.
I started this blog as a hobby and everything since July 2012 has been self-taught. The more I enjoyed it and could see that my efforts were creating amazing things, I was motivated to keep going and here I am today, not only still running my blog but with a career that started because of it.
Less procrastination
It’s the worst feeling, procrastinating because you’re not really motivated by the task at hand. But when you’re doing what you love, this rarely happens. Less procrastinating means better productivity and reaching goals faster.
Discover the real you
If I were to compare the person I was five years ago to the person I am now, I’d have to say I’m completely different…in a good way.
Apart from having kids which have definitely changed me, discovering what I love in life, has definitely changed who I am. I consider who I am now to be the real me, the me I’ve always wanted to be. These things have brought out the best in me, they’ve definitely increased my confidence and have helped me achieve some life goals.
Yes, it’s true, I’m much happier since I discovered my passions. They bring a sense of purpose and completeness to my life.
I know it sounds like a cliché but, life is short. Why do something that doesn’t fill your cup, that doesn’t motivate you, make you happy or bring out the real you?
But if you simply can’t find a job that you love, and let’s face it, not everyone will at least find a hobby you love because it’ll make your mundane job even easier to get through because you have something else to set your mind to.
Have you found something you love doing?
Don’t leave yet! Scroll down for a giveaway thanks to Uncle Toby’s!

WIN 1 of 2 Uncle Toby’s Hampers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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This competition is open until 12am AEST on the 4th November 2016.
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This giveaway is based on a game of skill and best response that answers the question will be selected as the winner.
By entering the competition, entrants will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to these terms and conditions.
Disclosure: Uncle Toby’s sent me to the flower arranging workshop so I could experience doing something I love and share my experience with you. I received no monetary compensation for this post.
I am working in my dream job in a library! I love it! But my son starts school next year and the library hours are not school friendly. Plus the local school does not have before or after school care. So I think I might be able to combine my dream job (library!) with school hours if I go to uni and sturdy to be a teacher librarian. I just love libraries and books and technology so much.
I would love to study the behaviour of animals. I have a pet bunny and I am always wondering what she is thinking. It would be awesome to help animal welfare organisations better advocate for the animals who can’t speak for themselves like my bunny.
I absolutely love my job, I am an AIN at an aged care facility, love it,wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I’d live to be a rep for a confectionary company! Going from store to store setting up displays, chatting to the staff and hopefully free samples of new products 😉
There are so much possibilities I can think of when I can finally get back into work after my 1 year old is ready for kindy in a couple years. But if there’s 1 job I’d love to be in at this point it would be a radio host, i love hearing how much fun they have and I love to promote artists and businesses etc. another would be an organiser in the NRL I’d love to be apart of a sport team
Theres 2 things I love doing.
The first one is being a parent. After being told I couldn’t have children being surprised with my daughter was the greatest moment of my life. It’s tiring and I often find myself wondering how I can be a better parent but I wouldn’t trade for anything.
The second is entering competitions, now that I’m a stay at home mum In my spare time I enter competitions. I’m part of a few competition websites and I enter probably 20+ competitions a day. Most 23 year olds are out partying but I’m happy snuggled up on the couch with my baby entering comps 🙂
As a mum with two autistic daughters, my life is challenged and surprised every day, but I still keep my positive thoughts with my sewing and gardening. Nothing better than enjoying homegrown organic vegetables and sewing patchwork with my family . My two daughters love to find new fabrics online and watering gardening with me. We have fabulous time to do things together which we loved. Love is a bridge for everything.
If I could do anything I would be a tour guide in the Pacific North Western USA. I love to travel it is a huge passion. I don’t get to do it much but that is definitely what I would call a dream job.
Love my arts and crafts, be cool to setup an ebay or esty shop making homemade necklaces.
Ever since I first learned to write, I’ve been creating stories and dreamed of being an author. One day I’d love to see my name on the spine of a book in a bookstore.
Hotel reviewer! What a dream! Meeting new people, eating different types of food, exploring cultures and enjoying the pleasures of hotels and accommodations across the world. Yes please!
A nutritionist ,to help people naturally . Food is medicine 😀
I’d love to run a dog minding kennel as I just love adorable 4 legged critters.
Run a giant Nordic homemaker centre.
Customers rarely escape without a purchase.
Variety of beds for a siesta.
Neverending supply of Swedish meatballs.
I’d be a dog walker so I could spend my days frolicking with furry friends!
Be a personal Breakfast Planner. Breakfast is a meal that lots of busy people skip by substituting it with coffee. By helping others plan their daily breakfast needs with a personal touch, I can help drive the Aussie Breakie movement to promote good health and wellbeing.
I want to be an astronaut. I’d love to explore the universe, visit other planets and meet strange aliens.
I’d love to be a paramedic but I couldn’t handle night shift. So my dream job would be Day Only Ambo.
I love cats! my dream job would be a professional cat cuddlier
I would be a professional chocolate eater! My love of sweets, especially chocolate, has been with me since I was a child and what could be sweeter (pun intended) than testing out chocolates and delicious desserts for a living!
I’d like to be the person that makes the phone call to tell someone that they have won the lottery. Knowing that I’ll change that person’s life with a few words is something that would be wonderful to experience.
I already have it. I’m a teachers aide in a kindergarten room. Everyday I get to help little minds grow. Each year i’m amazed at how far they come in just a year
I’d love to be an interpreter. That way I could travel and translate meetings internationally. Also It would mean that I knew some languages well. This would really make me fulfilled.