Home » Two of Me Mental Health Podcast

Two of Me Mental Health Podcast

Welcome to the home of the Two of Me podcast, a mental health podcast where I discuss the highs and lows of juggling life as a wife, mother, business owner, blogger and friend with a mental illness.

In my podcast episodes, I relate a lot of things to my experience with bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. I must emphasise, I am not an expert on mental health, mental illness, I am not a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, or a counsellor, I just am a real person sharing real stuff about mental illness, from the front line. I’ll be sharing an opinion or two, stories, insights, tips, resources, what’s helped me and what hasn’t, and I’ll also be interviewing some awesome people about their journeys.

I think it’s really important to share our own experiences with each other. There’s so much power in it, knowing you’re not alone and being able to relate.

Find out more about my journey in the introductory episode and stay tuned for regular updates on my brand new mental health podcast.

You can listen to my Two of Me podcast on your favourite platform:

Thanks for listening.