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Period Age Phases: What You Should Know About Your Period in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s

A woman’s menstruation cycle is already unpredictable enough on its own, but with age as a critical factor in the changes of a woman’s body, our period becomes iffy over time. Ask girls around about what they hate most about their periods, and they would commonly answer menstrual pain, and its unpredictability with symptoms that they come with.

As a woman, being prepared is our best defence for the uncertainties of what our body holds for us. Just as how our hair, skin, and body shape changes throughout as we age in our 20s, 30s, and 40s, it should not be a surprise that your menstrual cycle changes along with it. Think about your early menstruation, surely there were changes, right? So, to find out what happens during the courses of these ages, hop on as we discuss these transitions in a woman’s life.


Your Period in the 20s

The stage of your period years after your early menstruation, your 20s is the age wherein your menstruation has “settled down” from being an erratic, sudden, or irregular period during your teenage years. Unlike those time in your teenage years, your cycle in this age starts to arrive at pretty much the same time in each month. However, you will begin to experience the following symptoms:

This age also starts to engage in a healthy sexual life, which many women have to opt for hormonal contraception pills to prevent unexpected pregnancy. Because of this, there would be triggered changes in your normal flows which would get your period more regular and even lighter. Not to mention that it helps reduce PMS symptoms too!

your period in your 20s

Your Period in the 30s

If your 20s is the beginning of your period evening out, then your 30s is where it remains regular and evened out. This stage is probably the most predictable and consistent when it comes to menstruation cycle that if you have any deviation like intense pain or unusual heavy flow could be a sign of illness thus might need medical attention.

Some illnesses that are common in this age are cases of Premenstrual Syndrome and Fibroids, which both are complications in the uterus. Another significant change that may occur during this time is pregnancy since it can completely alter a woman’s menstruation cycle. To add to this, periods are also closely related to breastfeeding wherein breastfeeding mothers may not get their menstruation back till the time they stopped or reduced nursing.

Lastly, the PMS symptoms of a woman who has just given birth may be altered, and many women get rid of their cramps. How is this possible, you ask? Well, this happens due to the increased size of the cervical opening after childbirth. Thus the uterine contractions during menstruation may get milder.

menstruation women


Your Periods at 40

The periods in your 40s is the start of perimenopausal hormonal fluctuations. Meaning, your menstrual cycle is heading for closure—the menopause. Therefore, you would experience irregularities in your period such as missed menstruation, spotting between periods, and other perimenopausal symptoms like hot flashes, erratic mood swings, and night sweats. This means that this phase is all about unpredictability and you should be prepared for it.

The perimenopausal symptoms usually start years before the menopause, in which it begins in a woman’s mid to late 40s; however, it can begin earlier. As for the main changes in the body, your ovaries gradually begin to produce less estrogen, which comes with symptoms like libido reduction, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms caused by it. Then eventually, you will experience a complete cessation of your menstruation.

Lastly, you should know that the average length for perimenopause is four years. However, it is not the same for all women; thus some may have it for a few months and ten years maximum. So, how will you know your perimenopausal has ended? Easy, if you have gone 12 months without having your period, then that means your perimenopause has stopped and is that you are now in your menopause stage.

periods at 40


Your menstruation cycle gives you a great insight to your overall health, which is why, regardless of your age, you should look out for any unusual symptoms like a missed period, since this can be an early sign of pregnancy or may be caused by an illness like PCOS or polycystic syndrome. Also, there are other illnesses that you should be aware of, like fibroids, endometriosis, and polyps, which can cause massive and painful bleeding.

If indeed you have these concerns or if you have anxiety about anything, then it would be wise to monitor your period together with the symptoms that you are feeling. Then, proceed to a checkup at your doctor. Lastly, do not go out unprepared, that’s why prepare for your incoming period with a menstrual cup like the daisycup, wherein it can give you comfortability during your period and make it tolerable for you.

periods at 40, 30 and 20

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Period age phases - what you should know about your period

What you should know about your period


Eva Lewis